
Joseph Mignone earned his Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Gwynedd-Mercy University. He currently studies Clinical Psychology as a Graduate Student at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. When not writing GETPSYCHED, he currently balances coursework, a graduate assistantship and two one part-time jobs.
On rare occasions, when free from work and studies, Joseph enjoys running, music, science-fiction, and spending time with his wife and family (not necessarily in that order). A former writing tutor, he wishes to develop as a writer, and believes blogging will help refine his skill, while offering an opportunity to better understand contemporary issues within the field of psychology.
Joseph’s other personal and professional interests included technology; human adaptation and behavior; independent learning; science communication; and scientific skepticism. He identifies as a skeptic. Joseph has a a genuine love of science and is concerned with the pervasiveness of anti-intellectualism in society. Through GETPSYCHED, he wishes to relay the importance of critical thinking, science-based reasoning, and evidence-based practice. Further, he hopes to examine popular misconceptions about contemporary psychology.
GETPSYCHED originated one night during a midnight run, somewhere between the third and fourth mile. GETPSYCHED covers current studies, news and issues in psychology. Topic reflections on this site come from a scientific skeptical perspective. The author wishes to increase awareness of public and media misinterpretations of psychology, as well as increase awareness of empirically based research in order to differentiate legitimate psychology from the pseudoscience that plagues public perception of the field.
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